The Vice President's visit Mhe.samia Yawa And Success Ukerewe

Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania Settlement Samia Hassan has laid the foundation stone in a big water project in Nansio city on the island of Ukerewe in Mwanza project that will serve 61 thousand people.

Vice-President, who yesterday traveled for about three hours by ship MV Nyehunge II on Lake Victoria to the island for the first time since taking the job, he urged the citizens take care of the project which will greatly help alleviate the problem of the scarcity of clean water and safe on the island.

The project, which includes the works of improvement of water supply and sanitation are implemented under has funded Bank for African Development (AfDB) and the government of Tanzania in cities Sengerema, Geita and Nansio - Ukerewe cost USD million 30.4 where the government of Tanzania has contributed to the project four million US Dollars.

Vice President Solution Samia Hassan promised the public that the government of the Fifth inamikakati good phase aimed at eliminating the problem of water across the country to help the citizens, especially women spend a lot of development work than finding water.

Addressing hundreds of citizens of the island of Ukerewe in the village of Kagunguli Mwanza immediately after setting the foundation stones in two projects including a water project and the construction of the operating room in a health center in Kagunguli, Vice President gave the pole citizens of the island after the storm hit by strong winds that occurred on November 4, 2016, causing extensive damage, including the homes of people crumble.


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