Port Authority Port received two parking boats sailing

Harbor Management Authority Tanzania (TPA) has received two modern boats cater to ship from China to be used in the port of Dar es Salaam and Tanga.

 TPA Corporate Communications Manager, Janeth Ruzangi said the arrival of the boats last zilizopolewa will help accelerate the performance and efficiency in the port.

She said the arrival of the boats are part of a strategy of TPA add resources in terms of naval and land to accelerate the unloading and loading of cargo on an international scale and thus attract many customers.

Captain General of the TPA, Captain Abdullah Mwingamno said boats of 70 tons titled Valeria Rugaihuruza remains Dar es Salaam to cater for ships zinazoshusha oil in Boya of SPM existing City Sequel, while others called Mwambani will move the Port of Tanga to cater for the quay .

MV boats designed by Valeria Rugaihuruza 'crane' him along with two other small boats in it for supporting the operation to buoy oil. Boats of MV Mwambani has the ability to pull a tugboat carrying capacity of 3,500 tons of cargo.


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