Press dismissal in case of Lema .... Gun Court Gives a Strong Warning to Police

At seven police officers testify in court in the case of inflammatory inayomkabili Arusha Urban MP (Chadema) Godbless Lema, the Court has issued a warning to police and prison soldiers who harass the press and the public.

This warning was issued by Magistrate Nidhi's done for the Arusha Regional Court, Augustino Rwezile after running a prison warden to repulse armed with the press who want to take to court records Lema.

Also, he warned the police who have complained to prevent citizens went to hearing of their MP.

Journalists yesterday were served morning hearing of Lema and wanting to take pictures when he appeared in court, but they had a hard time after being rushed to the prison armed soldiers who did not want anyone to photograph the accused.

The authors, Lilian Joel (Freedom) and Janet Mushi (Tanzania) were rescued by the Resident Magistrate, Nestory Baro, who had held him while shouting for help action which provoked confusion in court.

However, after the event, the journalists were taken to the Magistrate Judge in Charge Baro, Rwezile who also witnessed the event.

Rwezile judge summoned police officers, who were up there and warn them to stop the practice of arresting and harassing citizens and journalists who arrived at the court hearing.

Judge Rwezile, the directive also counseled soldiers to warn of prisons and police after Lema attorney, John Mallya requesting a declaration from citizens prevented from entering the court, the arrest and persecution of the press.

Rwezile judge has ordered back to prison soldiers and police who came to court to stop harassing citizens and explain with journalists are free to come to court to hear the case.

"There is no secrecy in court again we do not expect to see tensions here, I've already talked to the press and a prison warden in this regard, this area is under court so people should enter and exit safely," he said

Yesterday at two in the morning, Lema appeared in Magistrate court to let the Arusha Region of Prisons, under heavy guard and was not allowed to take pictures.

Before the magistrate Rwezile, government attorney, Fortunatus Halila previously studied the details of the case and demanded investigation has been completed and the Republic have seven witnesses.

He named witnesses that Officer Investigation of Police Region Arusha (RCO), SSP George Katabazi, Head of the Investigation Police District Arusha (OSCID), ASP Damas Masawe, Inspector of Police, Adam Nyamiti, WP 6826 Ester John and Officer Criminal Investigation unit of the Police Headquarters Network, Ezekiel Kway.

He alleged in this case, is accused Lema kuhamamisisha are committing an offense if it is contrary to section 390 (35) of the Penal Code, amended in 2002.

Halila claimed Lema between August First to 26, was made to transmit a short voice message through WhatsApp encourage people to commit an offense, and if there be appealing to Mosi protest from September this year. After this explanation, Magistrate Lema Rwezile asked him to explain whether the information is correct or not.

Lema denied sending messages kuhamamisha illegal. Mallya said attorney defense're already organized a day to start listening to the witnesses. Based on these details, Judge Rwezile deferred until December 2, will begin to release evidence.

Lema and his wife also have another trial to provide inflammatory language against the Arusha Regional Commissioner, Mrisho Gambo which it was adjourned until December 21 due to the second suspect, Neema Lema (33) absence from court.

Mallya said attorney Grace has called in Dar es Salaam in other cases. After this explanation, Judge Rwezile deferred and recovered Lema prisons until today, the High Court in Arusha begins to hear applications for bail.


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