Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT) congratulate President Magufuli sending doctors Kenya

Medical Association of Tanzania (MAT) said the decision to deploy doctors in Kenya who have been asked by the government of that country has come in time frames and should be commended.

Commenting on the decision, the President of MAT, Dr. Obadiah Nyongole said the decision will help reduce the number of 1,774 doctors who are outside the system of employment who meets the criteria of professionalism.

Although he said the shortage prevailing in the country is between 49 percent to 52 and that for the 13 regions of the periphery defined in the Plan Big Results Now (BRN) you came to 80 percent, but there is no way for doctors who find jobs abroad should be allowed to go to work.

 "Many doctors are in even though the majority of Tanzanians live in rural areas. That means many can almost entirely un-qualified doctors. While we support our neighbors we should not forget this insecurity prevailing in the country, "he said.

He said that in memory they have, on medical graduates last year were 899 and 875 were in yesterday.

"Doctors will be available to go to serve (Kenya). If the Government of Kenya covers complaints of his doctors, fabricate establishes security settings for visitors who go to keep those positions, "said a specialist's treatment.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends one doctor for 10,000 people but ahudumie in figures indicate the ratio is between 25,000 to 30,000 people attended to by a doctor.


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