Government Sumaye his farm with 33 hectares

Former Prime Minister, Frederick Sumaye was confiscated by the government of his field size of 33 hectares in what is described fail to be perpetuated.

Kinondoni District Commissioner, Ally HAPI has said that the government reached the decision after failing Sumaye be perpetuated as I mentioned 90-day notice.

"On October 28, this year. President John Magufuli revoked the certificate of occupancy of the existing 3074 numbers Mabwepande field. This farm was to document the number 53086. owner name is written in the document Frankline Sumaye, "said HAPI.

Sumaye who was indisputably one of the speakers at the rallies of the last General Election of the Constitution of the United Citizens (It was restored), owns plantations which are in Morogoro and Dar es Salaam Mabwepande.

After President Magufuli invalidate the document, HAPI has said from now on it is prohibited to engage Sumaye the field.

Because it imeshabatilishwa document and was found to do whatever media empire will take its place.

"Media and defense and security shall be to ensure that this field is litafanyiwa any activity, except after the municipal procedures have been carried out," he stressed HAPI.

He said he has instructed the CEO of Kinondoni Municipality, Aron Kagurumjuli that field testing grounds and that citizens have the farm crisis should consider having.

February 5 this year, as Morogoro, President John Magufuli urged all those who abandoned fields extending them, or they will revoke and giving citizens.


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