I give Dried Magufuli of CCM MPs Prime Minister Kassim Fate

Chairman of Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and President Dr. John Beer Magufuli being absent yesterday in Dodoma, had a chance to do a session with lawmakers of the party which spoke different things that displeased it as the supreme leader of the party.

Magufuli President met with the lawmakers at the White House in Dodoma small Chamwino where among many things he talked about it with them and tell them that he knows some lawmakers oppose Prime Minister Kassim Fate.

"I know some of you are against the Prime Minister and you want Deposed by a vote of no confidence in him, may I tell you that you will not succeed. I I support him my assistant is yuo to 100 percent have seen a way he can work," said President Dr. Magufuli to increase.

"Even if you removed, the other coming appoint will bring this one and if you then I dissolved parliament rejected a return to elections."

Besides the deputy warned some CCM MPs who divide their time talking and giving opposition MPs when they are in parliamentary sessions.

This statement came after the State of Bunda MP (CCM), Boniface Getere give him five minutes Serengeti MP (Chadema), Marwa Ryoba from his time who are contributing to 10 minutes.

In another Chairman Dr Magufuli told them was disturbed by some MPs dim government efforts in the fight against drugs while one MP accused and deliver a disclosure.

About kutokurushwa Mubashara advertising parliament, Chairman of the CCM told MPs that he is decided to be so by many MPs have callers just gossip.

Credit: Citizen


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