Hiki Ndio Kiasi Cha Pesa Ambacho Mume Wa Zari Amezikwa Nacho Angalia Hapa

Zari husband's funeral in Uganda.. Zari husband's funeral in Uganda.. PPF PENSION FUND APRIL 2017 Job Description 1.0 NATURE AND SCOPE The PPF Pensions Fund was established by the PPF Pensions Fund Act [Cap 372 R.E 2002] as amended time to time with the objective of providing pensions and other related terminal benefits to all employees in the formal and informal sectors. Our commitment is to deliver both effective and efficient services which 4.2 recognize and value the importance of our customers. We are dedicated to continue developing and improving our customer services by focusing on keeping our customers at the centre of all Fund activities. Fund Vision is to be a model provider of comprehensive Social Security Services and its mission is to provide quality pensions and allied benefits to members through utilization of dedicated human capital and modern technology with high degree of accuracy and promptness. We are seeking to fill the positions of Research and Planning Ma...